Shout a Local


If you can contribute even more to charities that operate in the Manly area, feel free to follow the links below. 


Community Northern Beaches and Northern Beaches Women’s Shelter

These are tough times for our local community due to COVID-19 and unfortunately this has amplified an already difficult situation for a lot of people. While restrictions have started to ease for some, our critical community services are in greater need than ever before. 


Lifeline Northern Beaches

As a locally run not-for-profit, we’re devoted to providing critical services to the people of the Northern Beaches. Lifeline is saving lives right in your own backyard. Our services have never been more important as we support people overwhelmed by this crisis. Lifeline is now receiving over 3000 calls a day – that’s a call every 30 seconds. You never know whose life could be on the line. You can help us answer more calls.

Donate $27.96 to answer a call and save a life.